Story Submissions

Submit your "How We First Met" stories to be on the show or just for fun, either way is great. The show is a fun and amazing experience. We don’t make fun of you, we celebrate your story. The ones who usually have the most fun on the show are the couples themselves. Learn more.
  • We'd love to find out your story! Whether just for fun or to be entered for our show in San Francisco on Valentine's Day.
  • Make sure it's at least 600px x 400px, but we'll take what we can get.
  • For example Jane and Ted or Fred and Ted.
  • What's that special song that captures you two?
  • Give us the skinny on how you two met. If it's lengthy, we suggest composing on your device and then cutting and pasting to here, so you have a copy in case there is a snafu.
  • Contact Information

    The following contact information is private and will not be posted.
  • A number we can reach you at on the night of the show.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.